
Happy New Year

selepas berhempas pulas melawan badai di tahun 2010
berharap 2011 menjanjikan sedikit ketenangan dan kejayaan..(ayat2 ahli falsafah.. LOL)

meningkatkan lagi usaha untuk berhenti rokok. Jadi muslim dan anak soleh yang lebih sempurna. Gemukkan sikit badan yang keding ni.

Semua lebih mudah. Macam tahun-tahun lepas, health,wealth and happiness. Liverpool sack Roy Hodgson dan cari manager yang boleh bawa Liverpool memenangi EPL. Huhuhu.

Selamat Tahun Baru Semua!


Iklan Sebentar

My mum's products.

Just leave a comment for further info.
Thank You :)



If you are at first lonely, be patient. If you've not been alone much, or if when you were, you weren't okay with it, then just wait. You'll find it's fine to be alone once you're embracing it.

We could start with the acceptable places, the bathroom, the coffee shop, the library. Where you can stall and read the paper, where you can get your caffeine fix and sit and stay there. Where you can browse the stacks and smell the books. You're not supposed to talk much anyway so it's safe there.

There's also the gym. If you're shy you could hang out with yourself in mirrors, you could put headphones in.

And there's public transportation, because we all gotta go places.

And there's prayer and meditation. No one will think less if you're hanging with your breath seeking peace and salvation.

Start simple. Things you may have previously based on your avoid being alone principals.

The lunch counter. Where you will be surrounded by chow-downers. Employees who only have an hour and their spouses work across town and so they -- like you -- will be alone.

Resist the urge to hang out with your cell phone.

When you are comfortable with eat lunch and run, take yourself out for dinner. A restaurant with linen and silverware. You're no less intriguing a person when you're eating solo dessert to cleaning the whipped cream from the dish with your finger. In fact some people at full tables will wish they were where you were.

Go to the movies. Where it is dark and soothing. Alone in your seat amidst a fleeting community.
And then, take yourself out dancing to a club where no one knows you. Stand on the outside of the floor till the lights convince you more and more and the music shows you. Dance like no one's watching...because, they're probably not. And, if they are, assume it is with best of human intentions. The way bodies move genuinely to beats is, after all, gorgeous and affecting. Dance until you're sweating, and beads of perspiration remind you of life's best things, down your back like a brook of blessings.

Go to the woods alone, and the trees and squirrels will watch for you.
Go to an unfamiliar city, roam the streets, there're always statues to talk to and benches made for sitting give strangers a shared existence if only for a minute and these moments can be so uplifting and the conversations you get in by sitting alone on benches might've never happened had you not been there by yourself

Society is afraid of alonedom, like lonely hearts are wasting away in basements, like people must have problems if, after a while, nobody is dating them. but lonely is a freedom that breaths easy and weightless and lonely is healing if you make it.

You could stand, swathed by groups and mobs or hold hands with your partner, look both further and farther for the endless quest for company. But no one's in your head and by the time you translate your thoughts, some essence of them may be lost or perhaps it is just kept.

Perhaps in the interest of loving oneself, perhaps all those sappy slogans from preschool over to high school's groaning were tokens for holding the lonely at bay. Cuz if you're happy in your head than solitude is blessed and alone is okay.

It's okay if no one believes like you. All experience is unique, no one has the same synapses, can't think like you, for this be releived, keeps things interesting lifes magic things in reach.

And it doesn't mean you're not connected, that communitie's not present, just take the perspective you get from being one person in one head and feel the effects of it. take silence and respect it. if you have an art that needs a practice, stop neglecting it. if your family doesn't get you, or religious sect is not meant for you, don't obsess about it.

You could be in an instant surrounded if you needed it.
If your heart is bleeding make the best of it
There is heat in freezing, be a testament.

HOW TO BE ALONE by Tanya Davis




The perfect word to describe what I'm feeling right now..
Terlampau banyak yang terjadi..
Terlampau banyak benda yang terlepas dari genggaman..
Ntah la..
Orang kata setiap benda yang berlaku ada hikmah..
Just keeping my hopes high to see what will happen next..
Hope things will get better..
Give me a reason to live!


My Kind Of Girl

I'm not really into makeup and stuff
natural beauty is what i'm looking for
i'm not searching for Miss Universe
Cukup sekadar cantik di mata aku

its hard to find these days
one who thinks before she speaks
Menghormati orang lain
not just her family,but mine as well

i come from a family that loves to eat (regardless of my body mass)
i'm not asking for a 5star meal
Just a simple 'Nasi Goreng' and some cupcakes
that would be nice

i've been in so many shitty relationships
and i'm counting on avoiding it on the future
it really hurt after you put your heart into something but in the end
it falls apart
I'm not that strong bila bermain soal hati

i'm crazy
but i know when,where and how to be crazy
i need someone who can adapt to this
my mental illnesses (huhu)

ramai orang kata aku hot-tempered
but i dont think so
aku lebih kepada seorang yang memendam,bukan melepaskan
i know
a 21years old boy
talking about this topic
i've been into a lot of mess and been fighting with a lot of stress
a girl that could calm me down is really accounted for

jauh melayang da kotak fikiran ni
i love kids
i really do
and i want tons of them
be ready

for further info
just ask



topik yang sedang hangat diperkatakan..
aku nak cuba merungkai maksud disebalik ayat tersebut..
one malaysia = satu malaysia..
perpaduan kaum..
setiap kaum akan mendapat hak yang sama rata..
tapi betul ker adil permbahagiannyer..?
a wise man once said...
aku cuma petik jer..
sebab bagi aku ada logiknyer penjelasan beliau..
kerajaan bagi peruntukan kepada rakyat 1.2juta for blablabla..
di bahagikan sama rata kepada 3 pihak..A..B..C..
1 pihak dapat 400k ryte..?
here comes the silly part..
anggaran populasi
A - 500,000
B - 250,000
C - 100,000
adil ker pembahagian ni..?
just think about it..
just my opinion..


ntah btul ke tak ejaan aku..
aku pun taktau..
sori lama tak update..
bz gler..
ngan examnyer..
ngan assignmentnyer..
time2 camni la rasa cam perlu kasih-sayang..
tempat untuk meluah perasaan dan geram..
mcm2 betul yang berlaku..
makin lama makin serabut..
nak wat camner..
mmg adat belajar..
n skang ni..
musim bercinta..
ramai btul yang bercinta dan mencari cinta..
hanya memandang dari jauh..
tak mampu nak dekat..
mcm2 halangan..
slow n steady..
ntah la..
cam takder harapan jer..
perasaan orang ni pelik kan..
"they always wanted things they couldn't reach"
for example..
A minat kat B..
but B minat kat C..
dan C plak ada teman..
dan teman C minat kat D..
and blablabla..
why cant C be happy with teman dia..
D gi mampos la..
B amek je A..
dah orang minat...
sengal ubi..
but perasaan orang..
sapa leh cakap pe..
sukati lu la nak wat apa..
janji luorang happy..
tak kacau aku..



taktau nak ckap..
mcm2 mende berlaku minggu lepas..(n terbawak ke minggu ni)
aku ni sial ker ha..
perkara sekeliling aku wat aku fed up..
lmbat masuk midterm..
jawab ntah pape..
hari ni dapat la result yang memberangsangkan jiwa untuk berhenti belajar..
with mende remeh yang tetibe lead to a bigger problem..
nak ditambahkan sial aku..
laptop aku hilang..
da la skrin tu pecah..
leh tergamak nak amek gak..
satu hari aku akan dapat...
harap duit2 yang ang dapat tu cukup untuk tampung perbelanjaan hospital n reconstruction surgery ang..
koz aku akan pecah muka ang dan patahkan tangan ang..!
dis is a promise!



awek dan kawan..
mne penting lagi..?
banyak pros and cons dia..
tmpat kita bermanja..
luah perasaan..
lepas nafsu(tipu ar kalo tak)..
tmpat kita enjoy..
harap bantuan..
ramai tul member2 aku yang dah kawen..
ada yang sempat aku gi..
ada yang kecik hati aku tak datang..
sapa suh ko kawen kat sabah..
camner nak gi..?
ada yang tanya bila aku nak kawen..?
ntah arr..
diri sendri tak terjaga lagi..
nak kena jaga anak orang plak...
nnt2 la aku fikirkan..
tapi bosan gak jadi single ni..
tapi nak cari awek skang susah..
mcm mcm kriteria yang perlu dipatuhi..
jalan terbaik..
stay single..
kalo ada yang sudi tu kire ok gak la..


citer jepun pasal bebudak sekolah yang ingin menakluk sebuah sekolah..
mcm2 watak dalam tu..
masing2 ngan perangai masing2..
citer tu layan la..
tapi yang jadi pelik tu..
semua nak jadi genji la..
izaki la..rindaman la..tamao la..makise la..
kemaruk sgt citer tu..
ada jer jeritan2 dalam blok ni..
budak2 btul..
apa apa pun..
aku ttp TAMAO SERIZAWA!!..



semenjak dua menjak ni..
transportation aku ada bas..
ok la..
saving gak la..
tapi timing tu slalu wat masalah kat aku..
timing aku dan timing bas..
kadang2 bgun awal..
bas sampai lambat..
lambat smpai kelas..
dapat muka ketat dr pn hamimi..
bangun lmbat jgn cakap la..
merasa la aku jawab soklan kelam-kelibut..
syok naik bas ni..
cam bas rapid ni kureng sket la..
aku minat2 bas2 olskool yang pakai tingkap..
ada satu bas..
bas gembira..
mmg layan r naik bas tu..
koyak camner pun hari tu..
naik je bas tu..
mood happy..
dengan decoration bas tu sumer..
lagu2 Alleycats dia..
angin sepoi2 bahasa..
syahdu gila!..
bila naik bas ni..
mcm2 mende kita nmpak..
anak beranak..
naik sorang2..
cam2 la..
ada skali tu..
aku rasa cam nak pijak orang..
time tu aku dekat kl central..
nak naik bas u80 ke shah alam..
dpt satu bas..
aku naik..
time tu bas kosong lagi..
so aku duduk ngan selesanye la..
then sampai kat pasar seni..
ada satu famili ni naik..
yang si mak nya..
satu tangan dukung baby..
satu tgn pimpin anak jalan naik bas..
celah ketiak ada beg tangan..
yang si laki..?
sebelah tangan dalam poket..
sbelah tangan tgh smbang phone..
dia dah jalan depan..
bini dia terkinja2 kat belakang dia..
nak kena byr tmbang bas..
tau si laki ni leh watpe..?
"apa terhegeh2 lagi tu..bodo betul la.."
bini dia malu bayar pastu cari tempat duduk..
yang si laki..
tak habis2 maki bini dia..
senyap je si bini tu..
aku pun tak paham la..
apa punya jenis laki la tu..
kau tu bodoh..
kecik2 suh belajar..
supaya besar leh keje bagus..
beli keta..
takyah naik bas..
ko tanak..
ko nak gi lastik burung..
nak mandi sungai..
dah tua jadi pukimak tak sedar untung..
kau tu laki..
kau kena protect bini kau..
kau kena belai bini kau bukan maki..
betul2 smpah..
yang pompuan tu plak..
apasal la tak pikir masak2 time nak kawin..
muka dah cam perogol..
duit takder..
nak bagi kelengkapan kat famili pun takder..
takkan time sebelum kawin tak kenal dlu hati budi..
aku pun tak faham otak manusia ni..
kuasa tuhan..
apa leh buat..
nak wat camner..
nasib badan..
naik jugak la bas terhenggut2 tu..



lama tak update..
bz giler..
walaupun penat..
passion aku pada bidang ni..
so dalam penat tu ader gak enjoyment dia..
lain orang lain passion dia..
mcm2 passion..
yang elok..
yang merapu..
ada yg passion pada music..
bljr music ni seronok..
tgk bebudak yg passionate..
sorang budak ni..
principle study dia tuba..
so kena byk practice blowing..
smpai tidur pun praktis..
berbuih2 mulut..
DOTA plak..
penangan dia btul2 jahat..
lagi addictive dari dadah..
ada yg smpai tak tidur 3 hari coz asek berDOTA..
masuk bilik jer..
ada sesetengah tu plak..
passion kat awek..
pantang tgk pompuan jer..
jatuh cinta..
pompuan tu batuk..
jatuh cinta..
pompuan tu tidur dlm kelas..
jatuh cinta..
pompuan tu tersadung kaki..
jatuh cinta..
tapi nak wat camner..
dah passion kat mende cam tu..
aku skang..
berharap yg passion aku pada music kukuh..
susah giler..
mcm2 mende yang memeningkan palotak.
ingat music senang?..
cuba la tgk..